Here in blogland it is commonplace for people to list things about themselves. So here goes:
A: Age: 17
B:Band: None, although I'd like to start one
C:Crush: Good Question. Never really had one. Except for the 1998 Olympics, when I thought Tara Lapinski was God's gift to creation, LOL.
D:Dad's Name: Charlie
E:Easiest Person To Talk To: Jen ( My best friend)
F:Favorite Ice Cream: Vanilla
G:Gummy Worms or Gummy Bears: Neither, gimme some pizza dammit
H:Was born in Winchester VA but considers....uh....the sticks of West Virginia to be my Hometown(sorry we dont live in a town)
I: Instruments: Electric Guitar, Microsoft Sidewinder steering wheel
J: Junior High: Homeschooled
K:Kids: None, and not for a while hopefully
L:Longest car ride ever: Kittery, Maine to Winchester VA nonstop.
M: Moms name: Donna
N:Nicknames: Smokey, Wonder Boy, Eagle Eye
O: One Wish: To become a Nascar Nextel Cup driver
P:Phobia: Arachiphobia (Fear of spiders)
Q: Quote: "When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine"
R: Reason To Smile: When I win a online race, and the fact that I turn 18 soon
S:Song You Sang Last: Mudshovel by Staind
T: Time You Woke Up Today: 8:30 AM
U: Unknown Fact About Me: Nearly ran over my cousin's dogs,lol
V: Vegetable: Ugh. Tomato I guess
W: Worst Habit: Turns music up way too loud
X:X-rays youve had: Left arm after I broke it in 1999 after the failed Evel Kinevel stunt
Y: Years since you've been to Church: Um, at least 10. I watch it on Sunday mornings on TV before the Nascar race, lol
Z: Zodiac Sign: Scorpio