The race winner was PTR Speed. He hung on in a wild and hairy finish. He took home the race prize also, so I'm sure he will be enjoying his DVD player. Good job Speed!

This was the final crash of the race, coming with 2 laps to go. To me it looked like the 7 and 8 trucks got together, causing the crash. About 4 trucks got taken out by the crash;luckily I avoided the crash and came home in 8th position. I am 2 points behind Dad0098 for the points segment lead.

The final restart came with 3 to go. I was 14th, so it was GO time! The field was sluggish on the restart, so I mashed the gas and passed at least 3 trucks by the time I went thru turn 1.

I did not escape crashing either, here I got a one way ticket to the wall from the 89 truck of Superford.

Here the 51 truck of Smartracer claims another victim. Smartracer drove aggresively all night, and at last count, he had sent at least 1/5 of the field into the wall.

Of course, you can't race 4 wide without something giving way. Here is a multi-truck crash after attempting to enter turn 3 four wide.

The racing was wild all night, with 4 wide racing being commonplace. At times it reminded me more of a Talladega race than a Kentucky race!

For once we finally had a realistic Kentucky track to race on, instead of just the repainted Las Vegas track. You had to be careful not to get loose, or you would stir up ALOT of dust in the high groove.

The TeamNORCA Truck Series visited the Kentucky Speedway this Wedsnday for the 5th race in the current points segment. It was the most exciting race of the current points segment by far. A late announcement on Tuesday revealed that the winner of the race would get a RCA Progressive Scan DVD player, so it raised the stakes a tad for this one. The field consisted of 20 drivers.