The race ended under caution, and lo and behold, Mr Spinout himself, couchracer, took the checkered flag. Talk about a comeback! After spinning at least 4 times during the race, couch persisted and nabbed his first victory this season in the truck series. I finished second, and I am currently 3rd in points....rememeber, top 3 in points in each segment qualify for the "Race to the Championship"

After restarting with 4 laps to go, on the first lap of green flag racing, going into turn 3, the 98 truck of Dad098 taps the rear bumper of Jason35's Dodge, sending him into a violent crash.

Here, rewster WAS leading, but spun out and collected Jason35 in the process.

Wrong!! Here he goes and wrecks AGAIN! (We sensing a pattern here perhaps?)

...sending deeman out of control. Looks like couchracer made it thru clean tho right?

Here couchracer eats some serious bumper....

While rew was crashing, couchracer went and wrecked anyway, LOL!

Here was a weird crash. Going into turn 1, rewster97 turned to the right to avoid running over couchracer, and drove right into my truck. It hurt him more than it hurt me, as you can see rewster eating a nice concrete dinner, LOL.

Here's a pic that was taken after I had just led my first lap of the entire season in the truck series.

Here the 98 truck of Dad098 got into the back of the truck driven by Droctor K. During pit stops , Droctor's pit crew cut off his tailgate.

Here was a bad crash...the 25 of couchracer got loose going into turn 1, and spun out, taking 2 trucks with him. None of the trucks involved were seriously damaged.

But it only took 3 or 4 laps for the first crash. Here the number 7 of Deeman goes for a spin.

As you can see, it was a beautiful day for racing under the Arizona sky

The TeamNORCA Craftsman Truck Series visited the Phoenix Motor Speedway for yet another exciting race. Of our 3 racing series, the trucks have provided the most excitement, last week's truck race was not for points but it was a nailbiter of a finish. (Pics coming soon). This week, after recruiting DroctorK, my team qualified 1-2-3 at Phoenix.
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