ALRIGHTY THEN! Another update...bout time ain't it? The above picture is of the fabulous trip I took this past May to the Coca Cola 600/Red Dog Racing League Banquet in the Carolinas. Freakin great time...had an awesome time meeting the guys I race with online. Bottom row from left to right are: Juice Keri, Daniel Sergent, Derek Justis, Jason Justis, and Mark Howland. Top row, from L-R: Kenny Paul, Craig Meyer, Stan Alexander, Me, and Joe Jaimeyfield.
RDRL...I've known these guys for years. And it's kinda weird...I started my racing career in 2003 and 2004 in the Prime Velocity Racing League...and now in RDRL, we have started racing with the guys from PVR, now known as Outlaw Motorsports, on Friday nights. RDRL has always had another "sister league" of sorts to race in on Friday nights...it used to be USRL, but sadly that league closed up shop. Thankfully though, RDRL absorbed alot of the good USRL guys, and moved on to the OMS league to fulfill the Friday night slot. Some of the OMS guys also race in the RDRL series throughout the week, and it really feels good to race again with the guys that helped me start my sim racing career.
Personally, I've had a tough time mastering any races in the RDRL racing league. Since joining the RDRL league...I have won ONE race, which was in the Cup series at Daytona last week. I do well in qualifying sessions though, I have won several poles in different divisions.
I am a member of the Southern Comfort racing team, which is owned by RDRL president Stan Alexander. My teammates are Alexander Brown, Steven O'neill, and Daniel Carter. Our biggest rivals are the guys from New Beginnings racing...Joe Jaimeyfield, Dustin Pitts, Michael Merritt, and Mark Howland. Dustin Pitts and I have had several battles on the racetrack...and we are virtually a lock for the front row after qualifying.